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Gender Roles in the 1950's


In the 1950's as of now there will always be many roles that will be specifically appointed to eache gender. Eventhoug now a days there is sead to be that we have more liberty there are still some duties that certain genders have to make. In the following page you will be able to see how the role of the genders were in the 1950's

Divorce in the 1950's:

In the 1950s as of today there were divorce rates, but they were not as normal as they are in the present day. If you were married and there were problems they would be kept hidden from society. There were almost to no divorces. If a person was divorces they would always be stapped, they would carry a huge stigma around.


Another thing about why women had practically no say, in wether they wanted a divorce or no was because they could never get a decent job. Back then the only ones given the good opportunities were the men. They were really sexist and because of that women wouldnt leave there husbands. Because they were not able to get a good and stable income for there children and themselfs.





Education was the fundamental base of the gender roles, the education was one of the many aspects that diferentiated the roles between men and women.


Mostly only men recived education, and they were tought that women had to be housewifes, they had to be caring, loving ,and agree upon every order they were given by the husband. They recived no education what so ever. If they werent granted with the opportunity to have education  they would not be able to obtain any sort of jobs.


"Women who failed to conform to the June Cleaver/Margaret Anderson role of housewife and mother were severely criticized. A 1947 bestselling book, The Modern Woman, called feminism a "deep illness," labeled the idea of an independent woman a "contradiction in terms," and explained that women who wanted equal pay and equal educational opportunities were engaged in a "ritualistic castration" of men."  (gender Roles 1950's, 2)


Toys were also an important part of the 50's, the toys were made depending on the characteristics that were given depending on the gender for example a really famous doll even today is Barbie.


The Barbie Doll was created with the intention to portray the life of a woman. They were made with motherly, and caring characteristics. They would always be either carring a baby, cooking a meal, or pushing a stroller. They were ment to be this way so young girls whom purchase them could start imagining there life when they grew up.


In the other hand we also have a doll, but this one is a man. Regularly the men dolls were all either dressed in suits or in army costumes. They were made this way because they wanted to show that the men were the strong ones and the women the loving and carring ones.


(Patricia Johns, Harlequin, Its a mans world)
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