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Important People

During the 1950s like in any other decade there were many important people that made the decade significant. In the following page you will be able to see the accomplishments of some people whom were significant to the decade.

(Pop History,Important people of the 1950's)

Rosa Parks
Jonas Salk
Senator Joseph Mccarthy

Rosa Parks was a woman whom fought for her rights, she was  black and once sat in the bus were she wasent supposed to, because of that it lead  a really important boycott in history, the bus boycott.

Whas Jonas Salk did was that he created, deeloped and even made it better. What he did was the firt killed virus polio vaccine. This maade a huge impact because the year before it was published there had been an epidemic .

Senator Joseph Mccarthy was an importan figure of the time because he began something known as Macarthyism, he feered the "Reds" menaning communism . Due to the spread of commuisim . In order to keep evrything under control he started a list that obody could see and accused people of being communist, this worked because everyone was threatened.  he implemented a lot of fear.

(History. "Joseph R. McCarthy.")

Harry S. Truman was the one whom decide to use the atomic bomb against japan, he was also part of many acts that supported the nation. Like the one that was in order to regenerate the nation from the fall of the great depression. Another accomplishment of Truman was the policy of conainment. This policy was established because of the fear of spread of communisim. (History. "Harry Truman.")


Eisenhower was a really important figure during the 1950s, he had many accomplishments, he didnt come from a really wealthy family. Eisenhower as well as Truman made many policies, another remarcable thing he did was that he "ended" the Korean war

(History. "Dwight D. Eisenhower.)

Dwight D. Eisenhower


Harry S. Truman

Frank Sinatra

As well as political, medical and influential people there was  also important people from the cultural side. Frank Sinatra  was recognized in the 1940s but after in the 1950s he continued his career and made a big impact  he won many prices, for example best actor. As well he had a big impact upon society that in 2008  the postal service decided to  use his face  in a stamp. As well there is a Frank Sinatra day.


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