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During the 1950's there were many inventions made, that now a days we use...

->The Credit Card

-> Super Glue

-> Microchip

->Hydrogen Bomb


-> solar cell

->Transistor Radio

->Computer modem

->Mr. potatoe head


-> Color TV.

-> Non stick Teflon

-> Telephone Answering Machine

->Radial tires

-> The Hula Hoop









-> McDonalds

-> hover Craft

-> Liquid Paper (Mistake Out)

->Still camera gets built-in flash units.

->"AA" size alkaline batteries

Each of this inventions were really significant at that time. Even as for today we use all of them and without them we wouldnt be able to  tave had a significant progress in what is known to be the technological era. Eache invention had a different storie, ones were more signficant than others. Some were even discovered by mistake. In the following page you will be able to see some of the inventions that had an interesting story behind them.(Pop History - Inventions of the Fifties.)

->The Credit Card: the credit card was invented by joe biggins, The dinners club began with the first credit card and this was intended to pay bills in the restaurant. this was a wy to manage peoples money and to have a much safer control of the money.


-> Super Glue: the super glue was disovered actually in the 1940 by  Dr. Harry Coover, what he was trying to do was on making clear plastic gun bags to put  the guns of the used allied soldiers during WWII.. The super glue was invented by accident.Dr.Coovehttp in 1951 he was developing a heat resistant acrylate polymer for jet canopies. later on in 1958 by Eastman Kodak and was called the “Eastman #910″, ain order to make it more catchy they named it “Super Glue”.


-> Microchip: The inventors of the microchip would be Jack Kilby and Robert Noyce. Without the development of the microchip the computers would come far late into another decade.


->Hydrogen Bomb: the hydrogen bomb was created dutring the cold war. Many scientists opposed on the working and development of this bomb, for example Robert Oppenhimer, one of the contributors of the Manhattan project, during WWII. The Hydrogen bomb was in the Arms race between the Soviets and the US.


-> solar cell: This solar cell or also known as photovoltaic cell converts light that hits the panel into energy. the inventors: Calvin Souther fuller, Gerald pearson, Daryl Chaplin.


->Computer modem: Without the computer modem we would still be in progress and we would have not been able to advance so much in technology. A fun fact about the computer modems, after some time of development, the computer system which came long after was said to have problems refair to as bugs. Now a days we say "oh no my computer has a bug" We say this not meaning it in a literal way, but back then they had large modems in which would power only one opperating system and there were actual bugs in them, that made the cables and microchips not work properly and mess up everything. That is why now a  days we say that there is a buf in our technological divice.(Pop History - Inventions of the Fifties.)


-> FIRST DIET SOFT DRINK: During the 50's there was a lot of progress in the soft drinks,

  • 1952 The first diet soft drink sold called the "No-Cal Beverage" a gingerale sold by Kirsch.

  • 1957 The first aluminum cans were used.

  • 1959 The first diet cola was sold in the market.

This was a time of new inventions and this really had an impact upon society.



  • "1951 Sanger and Pincus meet at a dinner party in New York; she persuades him to work on a birth control pill.

  • 1951 Meanwhile, Carl Djerassi, a chemist in Mexico City, creates a pill by synthesizing hormones from Mexican yams. On a chemical level, the pill has been invented, but Djerassi isn’t equipped to test, produce or distribute it.

  • 1952 The race is on. Pincus tests progesterone in rats and finds it works. He meets gynecologist John Rock, who has already begun testing chemical contraception in women. Frank Colton, chief chemist at the pharmaceutical company Searle, also independently develops synthetic progesterone.

  • 1953 If Sanger is the activist behind the pill and Pincus the scientist, Katherine McCormick — biologist, women’s rights activist and heiress to a great fortune — is the money. She writes Pincus a check for $40,000 to conduct research.

  • 1954 Rock and Pincus conduct the first human trials on 50 women in Massachusetts. It works.

  • 1956 Large scale clinical trials are conducted in Puerto Rico, where there were no anti-birth control laws on the books. The pill is deemed 100 percent effective, but some serious side effects are ignored.

  • 1957 The FDA approves the pill, but only for severe menstrual disorders, not as a contraceptive. An unusually large number of women report severe menstrual disorders.

  • 1960 The pill is approved for contraceptive use."  (A brief history of the birth control pill, Alexandra Nikolchev) (Pop History - Inventions of the Fifties.)

Telephone Answering Machine: created by Bell Laboratories and Western Electric.


The Hula Hoop :invented by Richard Knerr and Arthur "Spud" Melin.


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