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Women in the 1950's

If you think that women now a days have a harsh and difficult role in society, you sould consider going back in time and see how women really gained many opportunities through out time. Take a look at how life was for women in the 1950's.

The house is a total prison...

Back in the day, Men had many expectations of how to maintain the perfect job in order to get the perfect income and be able to care for her wife an kids, but really was him the one to do the hard job? NO what really happened is that the woman had to do as the same or more work than his husban.  (Tom McNamara,Boomtown! The great suburban demographic shift)

The tasks that the  woman had to do were:

- Clean the entire house

- Wash all the dishes

- Have a 3 meal plan for everyone (kids, husband and her)

- Get Ready for when her husband comes home from his tiring work, all fancy and nice.

- Also ask him all about how his day went and not mind all the har work the woman did. (Tom McNamara,Boomtown! The great suburban demographic shift)

Pam Kueber. Cupolas — a Classic Architectural Feature for a mid Century House Read More: Cupolas - a Classic Architectural Feature for a mid Century House - Retro Renovation. 2010. Web, New York City.

Pam Kueber. Cupolas — a Classic Architectural Feature for a mid Century House Read More: Cupolas - a Classic Architectural Feature for a mid Century House - Retro Renovation. 2010. Web, New York City.

There is a really famous article of how women should be in this point in thime. This article states that in school what many were tought was that the woman was just born for serving the men, and making them "happy" they had to take crare of all the work load around the house and they could never ever say no.


If a woman refused to do watever his husband asked her to do they would be marked in society. They had to take care of everyhing around the house with no exeption what so ever. They had to take care of their childrena and made sure that they were always in the best care possible. (McNamara, Tom. "Boomtown)

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