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Welcome to the Suburbs

The suburbs were something totaly new they were, made becaause of the massive population increase, this was because of the so called "baby boom" were millions of babies were born. Because of this there was the great expanssion of territory now a days known as the suburbs. The great and only suburbs.

Large families usually went to the suburbs besause it was much cheaper. As well what happened was that every small comunity  formed like a little town.


Something that the idea of the suburbs portrayed was that people were now free, they didnt have to live in a world were they couldnt go outside because it is too contaminated or because they are afraid that there little kids might be in some sort of danger. What was really nice and promessing was that evreyone knew each other. SOmething else that was interesting about the suburbs is that the government later gave the retired soldiers money and wealfare fot them to aford a house in the suburbs.


In the future they expanded increasingly, and more and more people began to move to the suburbs.

Something negative about the suburbs was that almos everyone that moved there were white familys. There was really a lot of seggregation, and they were the typical places that every single house was the same, the housewifes always were looking after there yard, and family.

It is said to be that many whom moved to the suburbs was because they wanted to get away from the minorities. They wanted something were everyone was the same and had the same way of thinking.

The GI bill was something that was given to many people, as well as to the ones in need and because of thiis they were able to affor d a house in the subursb. The "boom" or rise of the suburbs began in the 50's. What happened was that in order to build this complex they took advantage of the warfare automobiles. They used the tanks, the buldozers and more to start the construction. Given the fact that the US massed produced warfare during the 1940 because of WWII, and in the begginings of 150's because of the Korean war, they had a lot of it.

A negative aspect about the suburbs, is that so many people left to that area and as a result the economy in the cities began to suffer.

(McNamara, Tom. "Boomtown)


Getting to the suburbs was not really difficult, in fact it was easy, becuase it was much more affordable than an apartment or house in the cities. A major one that evenntually started this new idea was Levvit, which named some of his properties Levvittown. What he did is that he massed produced houses in, which people would love to live in.

He also expanded more, and he bough more territory, a lake and he even made a railway his own. He belived that by doing this he would be able to make many houses for people to buy and as a result he would end in a firly economical gain, due to the fact that everyone that was not really wealthy at the time was going to give up a lot to live in a town like this. (McNamara, Tom. "Boomtown)

Life in the Suburbs.

"1950s Homelife Suburban Sprawl and the Baby Boom." Youtube. burgosvan. May 31, 2015.

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